Product updates

What’s new in Liveblocks: July edition

We’ve released improvements in many areas of our products including an improved dashboard, new Text Editor components, JavaScript support for Comments & Notifications, and a number of other small additions.

What’s new in Liveblocks: July edition

This July we released improvements to different facets of all our products.

Upgrade now

To use the latest features, update your packages with the following command.

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --upgrade

If you were previously on Liveblocks 2.1 or below, make sure to follow our latest upgrade guide as there are breaking changes.

Dashboard improvements

We’ve made a number of improvements to our dashboard, specifically to the rooms page. You can now search for rooms by their ID, sort them in various ways, and check how many users are currently connected to each room.

We’ve also made it possible to delete rooms directly from the dashboard.

We’re investing more into our dashboard, and we’ll have an update with further improvements next month.

Text editor components

We’ve added support for rendering Notion-like floating threads in Text Editor. This is a difficult feature to implement from scratch, but it’s now just a couple of lines of code with Liveblocks. We’ve created two different components that present threads in different ways.

Anchored Threads

AnchoredThreads displays your threads in a sidebar, positioning each alongside the text highlight it references. Threads never overlap, always stack in the correct order, and move next to the highlight when selected.

Anchored threads work especially well on large screens.

Floating Threads

FloatingThreads displays each thread below its text highlight. Floating threads automatically flip above the highlight when they’re too close to the bottom of the screen.

Floating threads work especially well on small screens.

Use them in combination

We generally recommend using both components in your text editor, showing floating threads on mobile, and anchored threads on desktop. Below we’re implementing this using Tailwind CSS, along with filtering out any resolved threads.

function ThreadOverlay() {  const { threads } = useThreads({ query: { resolved: false } });
return ( <> <FloatingThreads threads={threads} className="block w-[350px] md:hidden" /> <AnchoredThreads threads={threads} className="hidden w-[350px] sm:block" /> </> );}

Add your new component into your Lexical editor to use it.

<LexicalComposer initialConfig={initialConfig}>  <LiveblocksPlugin>    <ThreadOverlay />  </LiveblocksPlugin>  <RichTextPlugin contentEditable={<ContentEditable />} /></LexicalComposer>

Resolved thread changes

We’ve added a number of new ways to use resolved threads in Comments. Previously, resolving a thread was a custom metadata feature, but it now has first-class support, meaning we provide hooks, methods, and REST APIs for using it. It’s also become part of the thread object.

{  type: "thread",  id: "th_sf8s6sh...",  resolved: false,  // ...}

Below we’re creating a simple button that toggles the resolved status of a thread using the two new resolved hooks.

function ToggleResolve({ thread }) {  const resolve = useMarkThreadAsResolved();  const unresolve = useMarkThreadAsUnresolved();
if (thread.resolved) { return <button onClick={() => unresolve(}>Unresolve</button>; }
return <button onClick={() => resolved(}>Resolve</button>;}

For more information on the new hooks, learn more in our API reference:

We also have equivalent methods on the server:

Custom links in Comments

Comments now allows you to create links with custom text by making selection and pasting in your URL.

You can also now paste rich-text content into comments, and its format will be preserved. Get started with a Comments example to try this.

Delete inbox notifications

Deleting inbox notifications is now possible using new hooks, methods, REST APIs, and directly in our notification components. You can see this below in our Comments Notifications example.

Here’s how to create a button that deletes all notifications for the current user.

function DeleteButton() {  const deleteAll = useDeleteAllInboxNotifications();
return <button onClick={deleteAll}>🗑️ Delete all</button>;}

For more information on the new hooks, learn more in our API reference:

We also have equivalent methods on the server:

Vanilla JavaScript support

Comments and Notifications are now available to use in vanilla JavaScript. Previously, these products were only supported through our React packages, but now a set of methods has been exposed enabling use in regular JavaScript.

// Fetch all threadsconst { threads } = await room.getThreads();
// Add a reaction to a commentconst reaction = await room.addReaction({ threadId: "th_xxx", commentId: "cm_xxx", emoji: "✅",});
// Fetch recent notificationsconst { inboxNotifications } = await client.getInboxNotificationsSince({ since: new Date("2024-08-06"),});

You can use these methods in any JavaScript framework, for example Angular, Svelte, or Vue as shown below.

<script setup>  import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";  import { room } from "./room";
const threadList = ref([]);
onMounted(async () => { const { threads } = await room.getThreads(); threadList.value = threads; });</script>
<template> <div v-for="thread in threadList" :key=""> <Avatar :userId="thread.comments[0].userId" /> {{ stringifyCommentBody(thread.comments[0].body) }} <a :href="...">View replies</a> </div></template>

Storage sync badge

Last month we made it easy to display a synchronizing/saved badge in your application with our new useStorageStatus hook, which lets you know if local Storage changes have been synchronized with our servers or not.

// "synchronizing" | "synchronized"const storageStatus = useStorageStatus();

However, because Storage often synchronizes in less than 50ms, this often results in a component that flickers in a distracting manner. We’ve added a new option to smooth out changes to prevent this happening. We’re using this option below to render a badge in our collaborative spreadsheet example.

We’ve implemented this by passing the smooth option to the hook.

function StorageStatusBadge() {  const storageStatus = useStorageStatus({ smooth: true });
return ( <div>{storageStatus === "synchronized" ? "✅ Saved" : "🔄 Saving"}</div> );}


To use the latest features, update your packages with the following command.

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --upgrade

If you were previously on Liveblocks 2.1 or below, make sure to follow our latest upgrade guide as there are breaking changes.

More information

This post is a summary of July’s changes, make sure to read our Changelog to learn about every change we’ve made, no matter how minor.


Contributors include:guillaumesallesctnicholassugardariuspierrelevaillantnimeshnayajuofoucherotnviemarcbouchenoiredant2021jrownyflowflorentteddarificstevenfabre

13 authors