Collaborative To-do List

This example shows how to build a collaborative to-do list with Liveblocks and React Native.

Image of Collaborative To-do List

As users edit the list, changes will be automatically persisted and synced—allowing for a list that updates in realtime across native apps. Users will also be able to see who else is currently online and when a user is typing.

Getting started

Run the following command to try this example locally:

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --example react-native-todo-list --no-api-key --no-vercel

This will download the example and install the example. Next, you must:

  • Create an account on
  • Copy your public key from the dashboard
  • Replace pk_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY in liveblocks.config.ts with your public key
  • For iOS, run cd ios && pod install then npm run ios
  • For Android, run npm run android

Manual setup

Alternatively, you can set up your project manually:

  • Install all dependencies with npm install
  • Create an account on
  • Copy your public key from the dashboard
  • Replace pk_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY in liveblocks.config.ts with your public key
  • For iOS, run cd ios && pod install then npm run ios
  • For Android, run npm run android

Deploy on Vercel

To both deploy on Vercel, and run the example locally, use the following command:

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --example react-native-todo-list --vercel

This will download the example and ask permission to open your browser, enabling you to deploy to Vercel. Next, you must:

  • Create an account on
  • Copy your public key from the dashboard
  • Replace pk_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY in liveblocks.config.ts with your public key
  • Push a commit to update the Vercel demo with the key
  • For iOS, run cd ios && pod install then npm run ios
  • For Android, run npm run android